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This class is designed for students who have thoroughly mastered addition and subtraction of numbers up to 100, especially mentally; have a solid understanding of place value; and can recognize and correlate repeating patterns of numbers, letters, and objects. We will advance to addition and subtraction of numbers up to 1000, with a strong emphasis on mental calculation. Students will learn the multiplication table up to 12 and related division facts. They will gain an understanding of standard units of length, weight, and capacity in both the metric and customary systems and learn the relationships among these units. The course will also cover equivalent fractions, and addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, along with topics such as money, time and time intervals, graphs, area, and perimeter. Throughout the year, students will tackle complex word problems involving multiplication, division, and fractions. Additionally, they will engage with challenging problems and puzzles from various areas of logic and mathematics, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Join us to advance your mathematical skills with a comprehensive and engaging curriculum designed to build a strong foundation for future success!
Recommended for:
Our program follows the Singapore Math approach, a leading curriculum in elementary math education.
Math II Topics:
09/12/2024, 09/19/2024, 09/26/2024, 10/03/2024, 10/10/2024, 10/17/2024, 10/24/2024, 11/07/2024, 11/14/2024, 11/21/2024, 12/05/2024, 12/12/2024
Participants must be entering grades 2.
Registration starts on 06/25/2024 and ends on 12/20/2024.
Please contact AlphaMinds Academy if you have any questions.